The ETC oil-free conversion technology opens up completely new possibilities for providing oil free compressed air in meeting with ISO 8573-1 Class 0 quality standard.
When it comes to holding down up-front operational costs, converter technology is ideally suited for the provision of entirely oil free compressed air. And it is dependable too: Penetration of oil into the compressed air network is absolutely impossible!
Operating costs are extremely low because no costly checkups are required. Commonly occurring risks such as oil penetration have been discarded, and frequent replacement of component elements as with filters has been completely eliminated.

Features of Adekom ETC Series Oil Free Rotary Screw Air Compressor
1. Air quality to ISO8573-1 Class 0 standard with TUV certificate on request
4. T. E. F. C. IP55 class F electric motor in compliance with IEC/DIN standards
5. Modern concept suction valve with energy saving modulation control as option
6. Intelligent PLC control panel with sequential / remote control functions
7. Reliable automatic control box with "Siemens" contactors
8. High efficiency aftercooler (air- or water- cooled available)
Proper disposal is no problem either as a matter of fact, in terms of oil content the condensate is of drinking water quality! In the ETC converter the long hydrocarbon chains of the residual oil contained in the compressed air are broken up into harmless carbon dioxide and water, i.e. substances occurring naturally in the air.
The catalytic converter incorporates a container with compact granulated pellets through which the compressed air circulates. This process breaks down and converts both oil droplets and oil vapors. The condensate that forms afterwards is therefore completely oil free and can be disposed of much less expensively and without the need for additional treatment.
Oil/hydrogen concentration is below 0,0025 mg/m3. The addition of the catalytic converter guarantees class 1 compressed air (ISO 8573-1) for all applications where oil free compressed air is essential.

Asia Pacific Market: Spencer Lau (Ms.)
European/ Middle Eastern/ African Market: Echo Lok (Ms.)
American Market: Alice Kwok (Ms.)