May 23, 2022.- Yesterday, May 22, 2022, Carrier celebrated the 100th anniversary of the invention of the centrifugal refrigeration machine (or “chillers”) that, in many ways, made the modern world possible.It is basically a type of air conditioning that is used in large industries.Carrier's conception of combining a centrifugal refrigeration compressor with a shell, a new type of condenser and a chiller in a single frame, improved process cooling in factories around the world.“They are large-scale equipment, where the thermal capacities start from 500 TR, normally used in large facilities such as airports, large buildings and shopping centers where energy consumption represents 40% of the operating cost of these buildings.They have centrifugal compressors that allow handling pressure conditions of higher temperatures and result in greater efficiency and lower energy consumption per square meter”, highlights the project product manager at Midea Carrier Chile, Ronel Hernández.The first installation of this type of air conditioning was in a chocolate factory in Philadelphia in 1923, and it involved three centrifugal chillers.Shortly thereafter, this technology was also implemented in rayon manufacturers in India and cracker factories in Mexico.In 1924, Carrier realized his dream of comfort refrigeration when the owners of a Detroit department store added centrifugal chillers.Centrifugal technology reliably and economically supplied comfort air to the public in theaters, stores, restaurants, sports venues, ships, hospitals, and office buildings.A decade later, centrifugal cooling had brought process air to more than 200 industries.Food production became safer, hospitals were more comfortable and hygienic, and new life-saving drugs such as penicillin became possible.Now, it even helps preserve vaccines for Covid-19.But that is not all.By providing precise temperature and humidity, centrifugal chiller technology has also aided the infrastructure of the modern digital age, such as electronics of all kinds, semiconductor chips, data centers, and robotics.All this would not be possible without the invention of Willis Carrier.Although the fundamental physics of centrifugal technology has generally not changed in the last 100 years, Carrier has continued to innovate to drive new technological advances in centrifugal chillers.Currently, Carrier centrifugal chillers are the most efficient units on the market due to their technology, which includes frequency variators in the centrifugal compressors, as well as flooded type exchangers, which allow for more efficient maintenance tasks."They are highly reliable, they almost never fail, unlike conventional commercial equipment," says Hernández.An example of this is Carrier's AquaForce® Vision 30KAV chillers, which are present in the Chilean market.These units feature Greenspeed® intelligence, which is the technology behind variable speed fans, pumps and compressors, allowing for higher efficiency and optimized performance.These types of chillers are the perfect solution for commercial and industrial applications, where installers, consultants and building owners demand superior reliability and optimum performance, especially at part load.They are screw units with permanent magnet double screw inverter compressors, which makes the life of these units longer.On the other hand, the unit has shell-and-tube heat exchangers of the flooded type.This enables exceptional performance and low noise levels.In addition, they are friendly to the environment, since they use the HFO R-1234ze refrigerant that offers a global warming potential (GWP) of less than 1, similar to that of natural substances, and with a lower total carbon footprint, 10% less than other refrigerants such as HFC R-134a and HFC blends such as R-513A.In Chile, centrifugal chillers are present, for example, in the Thermal Plant T1, at the Arturo Merino Benítez airport;in the Military Hospital, in La Reina, and in the Mall Portal Temuco.For more information on the history of the centrifugal chiller visit Carrier is a company with a presence in South America and is a benchmark in the segments in which it participates, due to its ongoing commitment to offering the best products and a flexible and professional service.It was born as a joint venture held in 2011 between Midea, the world's No. 1 air conditioning manufacturer, and Carrier, the company that invented modern air conditioning.In this way, Midea Carrier represents the union of two global forces in the air conditioning segment.Featured brands - Expo Virtual Innovation 2022Login to leave a commentMetallic Lockers |lockers |Generator Sets |Electrical Projects |Urban Pest Control |Well Monitoring |Telemetry and Well Automation |Germicidal Ultraviolet Light |Wastewater Treatment |Associated Technologies |Personal Protection Elements – PPE |Manage |Telephone Exchanges |Fitting and Pipes |Technified Irrigation |Layflat mining |Leaching |Deep Well Hoses |Teksa |