Ede Ingenieros carries out an energy use project for Orkli - Chemical Industry

2022-07-09 09:06:06 By : Mr. Raymond Ye

Ede Ingenieros has developed the energy use project for the Orkli firm, executed by Santillan (mechanical assembly) and MSI (electrical installation and control).The performance has been carried out at its production plant in Ordizia.It arises from the need to renovate the compressor room, which is approached by Orkli as an opportunity for a far-reaching energy improvement, in accordance with the objectives established in its annual Environmental Planning.The objective of the project is to take advantage of the residual energy of the new compressors, which is normally lost, to satisfy part of its thermal demand and, in addition, to take advantage of the surpluses to reduce the thermal energy consumption of the Majori sports center, located near Orkli.This will lead to a reduction in the electricity and fuel bill at Orkli and in the fuel bill at the sports center, with the consequent reduction in CO2 emissions from both entities.EDE Ingenieros has studied the energy needs and has proposed a solution according to the objectives, in a non-conventional installation, where the main difficulty is the variability of the energy demands.The installation has been designed taking into account the optimal conditions to obtain maximum use.In the first place, the heart of the installation has been modified.The compressor room facility has been renovated and sized to meet Orkli's demand for compressed air.A centrifugal compressor has been installed to give the base flow.To complete the demand for air, two screw compressors with speed variators have been installed, keeping part of the initial installation as a reserve.In order to recover thermal energy, the compressors are cooled by water.Part of the cooling is done at high temperature (between 85 and 90 °C), which is the part that can be recovered, and another part of the cooling is at low temperature and is not initially usable.The thermal energy from the cooling of the compressors is distributed throughout the plant with a distribution network designed for this purpose to the wide range of consumption points, with different characteristics.The design developed by EDE Ingenieros allows the recovery of up to 66% of the electrical consumption of the compressors, which would mean a total thermal energy of 2,838,000 kWh potentially recoverable.This energy is in the form of hot water at 85-90ºC and for its full use it would be necessary to reduce the temperature to 40ºC.The savings derived from carrying out the project in its entirety are very important.At the Orkli plant, an estimate has been made on the basis that two-thirds of the usable energy will be used.Savings in the generation of compressed air amount to around 778,000 kWh/year, which would mean a reduction in the energy bill of 77,800 euros/year and a reduction in CO2 emissions of 265 tons/year.For the company there would also be an electricity saving of 1,606,547 kWh/year and in natural gas of 118,800 kWh PCS/year.This would imply an avoided energy cost of 164,456 euros/year and a reduction in CO2 emissions of 575 tons/year.The Orkli group is one of the leading European manufacturers of components for household appliances and systems for comfort and safety in the home (heating, domestic hot water, security, gas, etc.).Headquartered in Ordizia and with more than 45 years of experience, it has four international manufacturing plants and exports more than 75% of its production.This document is restricted access for subscribers.To access it you have to enter the username and password in this form.You can request more information and access to this service through Industriaquimica@infoedita.esChemical Industry is an Infoedita portalWe use our own and third-party cookies to analyze our services and show you advertising related to your preferences based on a profile made from your browsing habits (for example, pages visited or videos viewed).You can get more information and set your preferences.Please, activate the ones you want to accept and deactivate the following ones you want to reject.You can enable/disable all at once by clicking Accept/Reject all cookies.Cookies that store non-personal information to record statistical information about visits to the website.Cookies necessary for certain marketing actions, including viewing videos from platforms such as YouTube, Vimeo, etc.and third-party advertising.Cookies related to displaying information from social networks or to share web content on social networks.