Recently, the company specialized in the development of integral solutions in electrical energy opened a headquarters in Neuquén to attend the growing needs of the operators.It has already closed two contracts to administer compressed air during gas extraction, treat the associated fluid in oil extraction and condition gas in the mouth of little.In line with its objective of being part of the hydrocarbon operation in the Comahue region and at the same time being close to Vaca Muerta, Aercom managers decided to open a headquarters in Neuquén to attend to the electricity generation needs of the operators of the region.“What prompted us to settle in the area was not only bringing our technological solutions, such as generator sets, screw compressors, air treatment units and our digital platform, but also knowing and participating in the production chain of the region. as an engineering company committed to the market.This is how in April we transferred all our know-how to Neuquén to add value to that chain”, explains Héctor Armellini, founder and president of Aercom, which was born two decades ago with a focus on the development of electrical energy solutions and today also provides panels solar, hybrid solutions and digitization of processes in practically the entire country.According to Armellini, there are two areas in which the company he leads can add value for the Vaca Muerta oil operators: the administration of compressed air in order to make gas extraction sustainable by reducing the carbon footprint and the development of solutions for the treatment of gas at the wellhead and that associated with oil extraction.“Through our engineering team, we transform our expertise in air compression into various solutions for the industry.Shortly after settling in Neuquén we already have two contracts, for which we began the manufacture of compression skids and well gas treatment units”, Armellini advances.As far as internal combustion engines are concerned, Aercom has a very important partner at the national level that advises it on how to condition the units to adapt them to each of the locations in the country.“In some regions we are already working with biogas implementations and in others with network natural gas.If the operation allows it, once that gas is compressed we associate it with an internal combustion engine to generate electricity;we have the right technology to do it”, warns the executive.These days, Aercom has three locations.Its headquarters is in Rosario, from where it assists the entire coastal area and has the entire operation of its digital platform centralized, which it replicates in CABA and AMBA through its operations base located in Parque Avellaneda, to which adds the new headquarters in Neuquén, from where it hopes to assist the entire Comahue area.“We started our operation 20 years ago delivering energy, selling machines and building our rental fleet.From there we began to differentiate ourselves from other even more important companies in terms of capital and know-how, adding value, lowering costs or increasing productivity.In this challenge of seeking efficiency, the oil companies began to ask us to get involved in their operation.That led us to grow and search for our own identity.Today we have professionals specialized in energy who have led us to be pioneers in various areas, such as in the field of photovoltaic energy, where we managed to develop the first hybrid networks, adapted to our clients, through our digital platform, when the market did not even He was talking about the subject”, Armellini specifies.“Our digital platform was born from an input generated by our engineers after having been heavily trained in industry 4.0.This is how, in the midst of a pandemic, we began to work indoors and to develop a way to remotely manage resources that are permanently generating energy, including some hybrid chains, managing to develop our own software that allows us to speak the same language, focusing on the famous Big Data and It provides us with information automatically, without the need for an engineer to go out and look for the data.In Neuquén we will apply all that experience”, advances the Aercom helmsman.Your email address will not be published.Required fields are marked with *Save my name, email and website in this browser for the next time I comment.EconoJournal is a news agency focused on the current energy agenda.The contents that are published are the product of the investigation and the daily work of its journalistic team.First news agency for Oil&Gas, Energy and Mining.100% own content.Specialized journalism.Projects and investments in Vaca Muerta.