MAN supplying compressor trains for Brazil FPSO - CompressorTECH²

2022-07-22 22:10:44 By : Ms. Amy Yang

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MAN Energy Solutions, a leading sustainable technologies provider within the marine, energy and industrial sectors, has been commissioned by Yinson, a global energy solution provider headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to provide five centrifugal compressor trains for gas production and export. MAN is also supplying two screw compressor trains for the same FPSO (Floating Production Storage and Offloading) asset for use as gas recovery systems.

MAN Energy Solutions is supplying three type RB 45 radial compressor trains as low-pressure systems and two type RB 28 versions as high-pressure systems, each driven by an electric motor. All five will be utilized for both gas exporting and gas lifting applications to maximize the flow rate and efficiency of gas production.

The two SKUEL321/CP200 screw compressor trains will be driven by electric motors and used as vapor recovery units, MAN Energy Solutions stated. The resulting flash gas will be pressurized by the screw compressors and fed back into the process rather than being flared – a process that increases the efficiency of gas production while significantly reducing its CO2 emissions.

All seven compressor trains will be deployed on the FPSO Maria Quitéria, located roughly 80 km off the coast of Anchieta (Espírito Santo, Brazil) at the Jubarte Field in Brazil’s northern Campos Basin. Operated by Petrobas, the field lies at a water depth of approximately 1300 meters. The FPSO will offer a production capacity of 100,000 barrels of oil and 5 million Sm3 of gas per day once it’s ready for operation at the end of 2024.

This latest order is not MAN Energy Solutions’ first endeavor in supplying technology solutions to Yinson’s operations in Brazil or to FPSO applications.

“We are proud that Yinson has once again placed its trust in our technology and expertise. As with FPSO Anna Nery, our first joint large-scale offshore project in Brazil, MAN will supply the complete compressor technology solution for the new FPSO Maria Quitéria,” said Basil Zweifel, senior vice president, Sales & Project Management, MAN Energy Solutions.

“We have been able to prove the capabilities of our energy-efficient, reliable and flexible technology solutions in recent years through numerous FPSO projects in Asia, Central and South America, as well as Western Africa,” he continued. “We are now looking forward to the opportunity to work again with Yinson on this major project for Brazil’s energy market.”