"I can move the system with a standard pallet jack"
15 years ago, Mike Nick purchased a rotary screw compressor for his manufacturing facility. Rotary screw compressors were still fairly new. Mike bought the compressor, tank and dryer and when they were delivered, Mike thought these components should be part of one piece of equipment. So he built an integrated system for himself.
The next time he was visited by the compressor representative, Mike showed him what he had done. The rep. asked if he could bring some people by to see it. The next thing you know, they are taking pictures, shaking Mike's hand leaving excited. 6 months later, the Integrated rotary screw is on the market and Mike still has the handshake to remember.
In 2009, Mike and Jim McSweeney formed HE System Technologies and were working on different product ideas for their new company. They started selling air compressors as a way to generate revenue while they worked on their own products. Mike remembered his experience and decided to develop a better integrated system.
HE System Technologies has unveiled their new Twin Tower Integrated Rotary Screw Compressor. The twin tower system deals with water better than horizontal tank designs by allowing water to condensate twice before reaching the Drier. The system is built on a solid chassis with vibration dampers built in the legs to help keep the system quiet.
The chassis is designed so that a standard pallet jack can move the system.
And because the system has a low center of gravity, HE Systems can build these systems as large as 100HP.
The next generation of Integrated rotary screw compressor is here.
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