Manufacturing and marketing products that do not comply with current technical standards puts the lives of consumers at risk and can generate sanctions for companies that do not comply with the legislation.In a recent example, an injunction requested by the Public Ministry of the State of Paraná and granted by the Court suspended the marketing of certain air compressors with pressure vessels by two large distributors of machines and tools, for not meeting the conformity assessment requirements established by the INMETRO Ordinance 255/2014, with regard, in particular, to the minimum thickness established in the Construction Code of the products.According to the decision, the suspension of the commercialization of the products is justified because "it was found that the irregularities pointed out lead to a danger of explosion and, consequently, a high risk to the safety of consumers, especially in the face of the use of the goods in common areas with large circulation of people, such as gas stations, workshops, offices and even in homes".One of the companies appealed to the Court of Justice of the State of Paraná and managed to partially reform the lower court decision so that the suspension is applied specifically to the model questioned by the action.Air compressors with pressure vessels are considered safety equipment and, due to the risk of accidents, they must be designed, manufactured, inspected and tested following strict construction standards.Outside the minimum specifications, they can cause irreparable or even fatal accidents.The pressure vessel - component coupled to the air compressor or motor-compressor - must have the certification seal of the National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (Inmetro).Once in compliance with the regulations, it offers quality and safety to the consumer, allows the identification of the manufacturer or importer and technical information for its use.This information is important for product traceability and supplier activation in case of doubts or problems with the equipment."In this case, the fact that they are certified products exacerbates the problem, as the consumer believes that the product is reliable, when it is not", highlights Eduardo Ribeiro Augusto, partner at the law firm SiqueiraCastro and attorney at the Instituto Brasil Legal - IBL .For the lawyer, the irregularities found would even prevent the compulsory certification of products from Inmetro."The very serious non-conformities verified in the products in question and confirmed by technical reports, would not even authorize the granting of compulsory certification and denote a serious failure in the certification process of these products", says Augusto.He points out that the problem is recurrent.In 2021, these same products were subject to inspection by the Institute of Weights and Measures (Ipem) of the States of São Paulo and Paraná, which found irregularities identified by the Public Ministry, subject of the Public Civil Action.There are also ongoing investigations promoted by the Public Ministry and Inmetro, and in one of them, led by the Public Ministry of the State of Santa Catarina, there is a recommendation to recall products manufactured in violation of Inmetro regulations.Used in several segments of the industry and also in places of great circulation of people, the air compressor with pressure vessels is present in gas stations (for tire calibration), dental offices and even in homes, in versions intended for use domestic (in renovations and paintings).Importers, distributors, resellers and consumers must pay attention to the characteristics of the products and the certification seals."It is extremely important to comply with the law, as well as inspection actions, in order to guarantee the safety, health and life of the consumer", highlights Augusto.We use cookies and other similar technologies to improve your experience on our services, personalize advertising and recommend content of interest to you.By using our services, you consent to such monitoring.Learn more about our Privacy Policy.